"Sixty-five percent of us will have trouble falling asleep tonight and be exhausted tomorrow." – James Maas

Our fundamental, internally programmed pattern is known as biphasic sleep which is composed of one long period of sleep at night AND a short period at midday. In the 1950’s, Dr. Jurgen Ashoff of the Max Planck Institute in Germany provided hard, scientific evidence that a midday nap is part of our DNA.
It’s not your lunch that’s making you sleepy, it’s your need for a midday nap! Napping is natural and most beneficial for alertness, mental ability, and overall health. Now I can already hear the objections; it’s our conviction here in Silicon Valley that “time is money”. This thinking that napping is a waste of time is what gets in the way of our taking a brief, rejuvenating 20-minute midday power nap.
What if this 20-minute power nap gave you the following benefits?
- Longer life and more energy
- Reduced stress
- Enhanced creativity
- Better memory
- Increased productivity
You’ll need to find your own best nap time, typically between 1 and 3pm. Just make time to nap each day and do it in a safe place. If it’s difficult for you to nap during daylight hours, a sleep mask can help.
I started by putting it on my calendar with a notification, and now that’s not even necessary. It’s become a regular part of my life. Napping has made my afternoons much more productive, and I sleep more soundly at night. It has become essential to my health and wellbeing. You could say I’m addicted to it, but better a nap than taking drugs for sleep.
Remember, instead of drinking a caffeine filled latte or a sugar-laden soda for your afternoon boost, take a nap. Power napping… the pause that refreshes!
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